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12 Beauty and Health Uses for CBD: Amway Reviews the Evidence by Global Cosmetic Industry - Skinobs

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12 Beauty and Health Uses for CBD: Amway Reviews the Evidence by Global Cosmetic Industry

2 February 2021

According to a paper published by Amway researchers in Clinical, Cosmetics and Investig­ational Dermatology, anecdotal evidence abounds for the therapeutic uses of non-psychotropic cannabidiol (CBD) in skin and health applications. However, clinical efficacy and underlying mechanisms of action have yet to be identified and confirmed.

As such, the authors reviewed the latest tangible evidence in the literature (as of the paper’s publication on Dec. 8, 2020) related to 12 application areas for CBD. They considered emerging evidence as well as conflicting and/or plausible findings in each area; following is an editorialized overview with select examples from the review. See the full open access paper for more details.

  1. Skin protection and barrier function – plausible in vitro evidence for CBD related to antioxidant activity, wound repair effects, cell membrane protection against peroxide-induced reduction of PUFAs, and anti-inflammatory activities; for example, the activation of PPAR-γ and reduction in levels of NF-κB

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Published by Global Cosmetic Industry, December 30, 2020