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FOCUS #9: Substantiating anti-aging claims with 3D image analysis: a proven and user-friendly solution by Eotech - Skinobs

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FOCUS #9: Substantiating anti-aging claims with 3D image analysis: a proven and user-friendly solution by Eotech

5 December 2023

The signs of aging are for most people undesired and therefore an important field of actions for dermo-cosmetic products. Whatever the skin type and ethnicity, they affect all of us, sooner or later.

However measuring objectively these visible signs is not such an easy matter. Fringe projection is the most accurate way to quantify the skin relief in three dimensions and Eotech has developped a unique experience with this technique in 30 years of activity.

A scientifically robust and accurate system shall include 3 components:

  • An accurate 3D scanner with different fields of view, suitable for the related Region Of Interest
  • An adjustable and comforable volunteer positionning device
  • A user-friendly software guiding beginners as well as experienced users

The key features of 3D scanners are the 2 cameras resolution and the characteristics of the Field Of View. Eotech offers 2 scanners suitable to assess globally the micro-relief of the face: the AEVA-HE² and the EvaFACE.

The AEVA-HE² has been developped as a swiss knife of 3D skin imaging. Based on high quality and high stability components, the 2 black & white cameras have been selected for their balance between speed and resolution (5 Mp). They can be fitted with different Fields of View by simply changing objectives. As regards the analysis of wrinkles on the global face, the Large FOV is generally used, offering a diagonal of 250mm, a lateral resolution of 75µm and a vertical resolution of 4µm. In addition, a high-resolution color camera fixed to the AEVA-HE² and LED lighting integrated to the benches allow color texture on the 3D data.

The EvaFACE was later developped to specially address global face 3D analysis at a more affordable cost. Its cameras exhibit a similar resolution and its FOV has a diagonal of 300mm, a lateral resolution of 82µm and a Z resolution of 10µm.

The positionning bench ensures the correct position of the volunteer for an optimal acquisition of the 3D data. Unlike ex vivo measurements, the in vivo requires a lot of attention to reduce any movement, even imperceptible. Any skin deformation around the face must be avoided, reason why Eotech devices rely on earplugs and headrest only. Hence there is no tension on the skin near to the Region Of Interest. Creating a stress-free environnement for the volunteer is key, as it can generate a light muscle strain on the cheeks and the perioral zone, affecting the reproducibility of the measurement. In that respect, the know-how of the user is an important element to give the volunteer confidence.

Last component of the tryptic, the software is common to all Eotech 3D systems. It allows to easily manage the project creation, the settings, the acquisition of the data and their analysis. For anti-aging claims, the preset ROIs are forehead, glabella, eye lids, crow’s feet, eye bags, cheekbones, nasal folds, perioral, cheeks, neck and decollete. One or several can be selected and will be extracted during the analysis step. If an additional ROI needs to be added once the acquisition has been done, it is however possible. Thanks to 2 successive shots, the left and right sides are merged seamless together.

Picture 1

During the 3D data analysis step, the software generates according to the various times:

  • the roughness parameters
  • the object detection with their number, area, volume and depth
  • the topography, and their volume differences in false-colour
  • the patterns detection by local curvature

The AEVA software provides several global assessment functions:

  • Detection of skin topography elements: texture, pores, fine lines, wrinkles and folds
  • Volume and dimensional measurements

Skin relief structure change over age, from fine lines, to wrinkles and to folds. The software allows to rank them according to their depth or to their local cuvatures. They are classified in 3 groups, and different colour can be assigned for illustration purposes. The first one provide a « SkinView » picture while the later is called « Feature Depth Density ».


Picture 2


Both approach (by depth or curvatures) is able to demonstrate a product effect but not always in the same extent. Their sensitivity will vary according to the subject age, its density of wrinkles, its ethnicity, etc… This gives an additional solution to the bio-metrology experts to assess anti-aging products afficacy.



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