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ZOOM#29: What is your spot? by Mérieux Nutrisciences - Skinobs

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ZOOM#29: What is your spot? by Mérieux Nutrisciences

10 January 2024

Dark spots on the skin, or hyperpigmentation, occur due to an overproduction of melanin, especially in some areas as back of the hands, face, back and shoulders. There are several different causes of dark spots, as ageing, sun damage, hormonal changes, wound healing or irritation. For any of these spot types, cosmetic treatments can be applied in order to decrease the pigmentation of the skin blemish.

How Mérieux NutriSciences can evaluate the efficacy of your product that claim for a better even skin tone?

  • Skin spot evaluation. The skin imaging analyser able to follow-up of pigmentation reduction over time as the software processes the image evaluating edges, colour and size in order to assess the reduction of skin spot visibility.
  • End users cosmetic treatment satisfaction
