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ZOOM#12 Latest Trends in Clinical Testing; The Precious Value of Clinical Scores; Slimming in vivo Objectivation - Skinobs

The Cosmetics Testing News

Follow the testing news dedicated to innovations and trends in the evaluation of active, ingredients, cosmetics and medical devices

ZOOM#12 Latest Trends in Clinical Testing; The Precious Value of Clinical Scores; Slimming in vivo Objectivation

19 July 2019


1st July is the date for the new version (v8) of the European Regulation for Cosmetics to be back on center stage with the implementation of new rules for: “without” claims, sensitive skin, hypoallergenicity, and of numerical results.
In addition, it recalls that all product claims announced must prove their veracity either by using consumer tests, clinical, sensory, emotional or biometrological studies.

In this newsletter we speak about clinical scorages and about the objectivation of slimming products. Then, we share the latest news of our partners’ instrumentation and testing labs: Cerco, CIDP, Dermatec, Eurofins Dermscan, Eotech, I.E.C, Intertek, Microfactory, Newtone Technologies, Phylogene, Zurko Research.

We will see you at the D.I.I.P Days 19th & 20th September in Tours to attend the conferences and demonstration workshop of devices for cosmetics on human.

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We will have special focus on the latest news of our partners:

Happy Summer!

Anne Charpentier