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Come onboard of Complife Healthy skin journey via ZOOM #30 - Skinobs

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Come onboard of Complife Healthy skin journey via ZOOM #30

23 April 2024

Maintaining healthy skin involves a delicate balance of various factors such as hydration, microbiota or environmental conditions like climate.

This is why in Complife labs we developed a device that enables to modify temperature and hygrometry, to test in-vivo your cosmetic product performances under different climate conditions.

And if you wish to deep dive into skin structure to discover the impact of your products on skin barrier and up to the dermis, experience with us one of the latest devices: the Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography (LC-OCT) that provides cellular resolution in 3D.

…and many more solutions to discuss together!


Read the ZOOM #30: Click here

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