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What Are the Regulatory Challenges Regarding Microbiome in Cosmetics? via TKS - Skinobs

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What Are the Regulatory Challenges Regarding Microbiome in Cosmetics? via TKS

19 October 2023

Due to the possible cosmetic benefit of microbiota to keep skin in good health, microbiome-related cosmetic products are a growing trend. As per the novelty of the concept dedicated reflection was needed for cosmetics and International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR) was a real opportunity to harmonize related terms and definition. Last meeting in June 2022 have led to the publication of specific definitions for cosmetics.
Some challenges remain: for R&D and analytic a key question is the control of the stability and distinction between intentionally and unintentionally added microorganism. Communication towards consumers should be also clearer to explain the mode of action of these products.


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