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3D analysis of altered dermis with Syntivia via ZOOM #30 - Skinobs

3D analysis of altered dermis with Syntivia via ZOOM #30

The Syntivia team has developed an ex vivo human skin models with altered dermis after protease digestion. This model mimics accelerated intrinsic skin aging.

After treatment, the skin explants are fixed and cleared to enable analysis by light-sheet microscopy. The skin can thus be imaged in 3D from the stratum corneum to the hypodermis. This allows us to study the different layers of the skin, as well as the different appendages.

In partnership with Imactiv-3D, we observed regions of interest in the reticular dermis to quantify elastic fibers density and length.

Volume-dependent quantification of elastic fiber density and length in the dermis.


The partial alteration of the dermis in this ex-vivo model makes it possible to test the effect of products on dermal reconstruction for skin health improvement.


Read the ZOOM #30: Click here

View the flip-book: Click here



Claire Leduc


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