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34th IFSCC Congress, focus on testing, extract of conferences, October 14-17 2024 - Skinobs

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34th IFSCC Congress, focus on testing, extract of conferences, October 14-17 2024

6 September 2024

The IFSCC, International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists, is a worldwide federation dedicated to international cooperation in cosmetic science and technology. The annual IFSCC Congresses bring together representatives from all Member Societies, and other industry figures, to discuss cosmetic science on a grand scale and with a global perspective.

👉 The 34th IFSCC Congress will take place in Iguazu Falls, Brazil, from October 14th to 17th 2023. It is dedicated to Biodiversity and Cosmetics: reaching sustainable technologies. 

A world from the 34th IFSCC President, Prof. Vania Leite :

“Our house is huge, as big as a continent.

It has six beautiful gardens. We call them Biomes: Amazônia, Pantanal, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pampa, and Mata Atlântica.

Here we have natural resources and technology to explore in a sustainable way and we work hard to keep the balance between progress and preservation.

There are many people in this house: all races and colors living in our beautiful home.

It is all about our diversity and our biodiversity.

You may have already heard about us: our people, our culture, our sports, our food, our architecture.

Our house has a name. It’s called Brazil.”

Special evaluation topics

Skinobs has prepared a special selection of the conferences didecated or linked to the evaluation field for actives and cosmetics that can be interestng to listen or read. The purpose is to get an easy overwiew of the latests scientific and technological developments.

It concerns safety, tolerance and efficacy testing what ever the type of evaluation: in in-silico, in-tubo, in-vitro, ex-vivo, or in-vivo.

👉 Full selection of conferences dedicated to testing: click here



CIDP, booth 48


👉 More information on the event by clicking here