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Nano-MEG by Attract - Skinobs

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Nano-MEG by Attract

2 February 2021

Nano-scale patterned high critical-temperature superconducting sensor technology for next-generation neuroimaging with magnetoencephalography

We aim to combine recent breakthroughs in magnetic sensing technology and functional neuroimaging system design for beyond state-of-the-art investigations of the human brain in health and disease.

The technical breakthrough consists of nano-fabricated high critical-temperature (high-Tc) junctions that yield superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers that are simpler to fabricate, enable more flexibility in design, and are more sensitive to magnetic fields as compared to the state-of-the-art. There are two state-of-the-art approaches to low-noise high-Tc SQUID magnetometers: bicrystals and step-edges.

While both have been developed and refined since the 1980s, they require multilayer and/or multi-chip configurations in order to reach high sensitivity.

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Published by Attract