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Skin Microbiota meetings organized by ISM in 2017 - Skinobs

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Skin Microbiota meetings organized by ISM in 2017

23 May 2017

On behalf of the International Society of Microbiota ISM, please find here the agenda of events organized by ISM in 2017.

2nd Symposium on Skin Microbiota 2017 – June 15, 2017 – Paris, France


The second ISM Symposium on Skin Microbiota 2017 will highlight following topics:

  • Human Skin Microbiota 2017: Recent Advances & Perspectives
  • Human Skin Microbiota & Skin Pathologies
  • Presentation of last innovations related to skin microbiota
  • Practical session dedicated to all methods to formulate and re-formulate new products related to skin care

A discussion will be organized about Skin & Microbiota Formulation – From sequencing and analyzing to interpretation and formulation: Do we need to use probiotics or metabolites?

To access the Agenda
To register: Register now
To visit: Skin Microbiota 2017 website