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UV Rays May Trigger Lupus Formation Through Inflammation, Researchers Detail via Personal Care Insights - Skinobs

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UV Rays May Trigger Lupus Formation Through Inflammation, Researchers Detail via Personal Care Insights

14 June 2022

Normal-appearing skin in lupus patients contains the same inflammatory signals that are recognized when the skin develops a rash – sometimes at even greater levels, according to researchers from the US-based University of Michigan.

“This data will reinforce the need to be vigilant regarding inflammation triggers in the skin, with the most obvious one being ultraviolet light or sun exposure,” Michelle Kahlenberg, associate professor of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, University of Michigan, tells PersonalCareInsights.

“As the non-lesional skin is primed for inflammation in lupus patients, it doesn’t take much to push patients into a florid rash with the proper trigger.”

Lupus patients have overactive immune systems that target their tissue, causing widespread inflammation. Approximately 70-80% of lupus patients will develop skin disease as part of their condition.

Investigating changes within skin cells
Previous studies of lupus patients’ blood have had difficulty identifying potential biomarkers for disease flares.

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By Nicole Kerr  – 11 May 2022