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? Summer Republishing! ZOOM#19, in-vivo and in-vitro Evaluation of the Skin Imperfections and the Latest News of Skinobs Partners - Skinobs
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? Summer Republishing! ZOOM#19, in-vivo and in-vitro Evaluation of the Skin Imperfections and the Latest News of Skinobs Partners


For 5 years now, Skinobs launched the Clinical Testing Platform at in-cosmetics Paris! Since then, the number of referenced methods and testing laboratories has greatly increased, and we were glad to launch the Preclinical Testing Platform last June. You will find, at the bottom of the page, the figures representing the high activity of the platforms. In this ZOOM we speak about skin imperfections.

Maskne is under every lips and clinical testing laboratories around the world have designed new studies to answer this new evaluation need. In-vitro and ex-vivo testing laboratories develop innovative ways to assess this claim using new models of skin, mimicking biological changes in the skin physiology.
In this new ZOOM edition, we will share with you information about the evaluation of skin imperfections and blemishes through both preclinical and clinical objectivations.

As usual we are glad to give direct news from our partners:

C+K, Complife, Ellead, Eurofins, Helioscreen, Intertek, Microfactory, Miravex, Phylogene, Pixience, Validated Claim Support and Zurko.


Download the entire #ZOOM-19 : ZOOM#19-Blemishfree testing.Skinobs.webHD

Our partner news

  • Imperfections Assessed by Classical Methods By C+K
  • Cosmetic Products for Skin Imperfections – Which Techniques To Evaluate These Effects? By Intertek
  • Skin Blemish and Inflammation Analysis With C-Cube By Pixience
  • An Exclusive Involvement in Sun Protection Testing by Helioscreen
  • Clinical Evaluation of skin Imperfections using Scales and Image Analysis by Zurko Research
  • SOD4 Technology Mimicking Sweat Mechanism by Microfactory
  • Imperfections Analyze For Marketing Level Images by Validated Claim Support
  • Clinical Evaluation of Skin Imperfections by Dermatec Complife Group
  • Clinical Evaluation and Skin Imperfections in The Spotlight of Eurofins
  • Clinical Evaluation of Skin Imperfections by Miravex
  • Ellead Conducts the Clinical Evaluation and In-Vitro Test of Anti-Inflammation
  • Understanding the mechanisms of the skin inflammation in acne by Phylogene

Two Testing Platforms to Accelerate your Claims Substantiation

As always, we keep an eye on both latest technological innovations and marketing claims to enrich the database with the relevant testing methods and instrumentations. Our work is still collaborative with the several stakeholders of this sector to build a robust bridge between science and marketing. The access to the Skinobs platforms enables you to get a unique panorama of the testing field for skin, hair, and nail analysis:
• Identify for a specific claim the best methods and relevant testing laboratories,
• Directly send a require mail to these providers,
Locate on the world map the instrumentation manufacturers and CRO’s,
• Use a global company’s directory,
• Find visual and technical descriptions of tests.



Log in now to access the search or send us your specific request directly at

Just let us know what testing you need, and we will help you to find the right ones!

Happy reading!


Anne Charpentier
Skinobs Founder


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