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A Nice Review about Precision Dermatology, Written by Big Names by Phylogene - Skinobs

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A Nice Review about Precision Dermatology, Written by Big Names by Phylogene

30 March 2022

Today a nice review (1) on skin proteomics, written by big names in dermatology care such as Novo Nordisk Foundation, Max Planck Institute and Leo Foundation
Some highlights and comments:

– You will read: “proteins carry out cellular and tissue function, they more accurately define the disease state than genomics alone“.
“In contrast to whole-genome analysis, the proteome is highly dynamic, …. Therefore, just knowing the identity of genes and/or the level at which they are transcribed, the transcriptome cannot fully predict protein abundance and function“. And it is particularly important when you include skin microbiota.

– At Phylogene, we cannot consider it is an emerging role as we use this for our customer’s benefit for 11 years already, completed with dedicated bioinformatics, and up to the skin microbiome


(1)Fredman G, and all. Towards Precision Dermatology: Emerging Role of Proteomic Analysis of the Skin. Dermatology 2022;238:185–194

High-resolution nano LC-MS/MS quantitative proteomics and Coravalid™ data processing,
High-resolution nano LC-MS/MS quantitative metaproteomics and HolXplore™ data processing.
Bacterial 16s rDNA and fungal ITS sequencing with OTU-based estimation to investigate microbial communities diversity and determine taxonomic composition.



Gilbert Skorski


Romuald Arnaud

Business Development Manager