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Atopic Dermatitis by Complife Italy Team - Skinobs

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Atopic Dermatitis by Complife Italy Team

22 March 2022

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a multifactorial long-standing inflammatory skin disease with a high incidence worldwide in both adults and children.

According to the recognized correlation between skin and intestine–the so-called “gut–skin axis”–gut unbalances can affect skin by inducing systemic inflammation and triggering dermatological diseases such as AD.

The objectives of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of a food supplement containing selected strains of probiotics in ameliorating AD symptoms and skin conditions in adult volunteers.


What Complife team did

Among our volunteers they selected 80 adult subjects showing mild-to-severe AD, skin dryness, desquamation, erythema and itching.

These people were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial to receive, for 56 daysa placebo or a mixture of lactobacilli (L. plantarum PBS067, L. reuteri PBS072 and L. rhamnosus LRH020).


What they obtained

Subjects receiving the probiotic mixture showed an improvement in skin smoothness, skin moisturization, self-perception, and a decrease in SCORAD index as well as in the levels of inflammatory markers associated with AD.

So they could conclude that the administration of selected probiotic strains resulted in a fast and sustained improvement in AD-related symptoms and skin conditions.


Link to the complete published article in the European Journal of Dermatology HERE

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