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Emotions and Neuromarketing - Skinobs
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Emotions and Neuromarketing

Now that you are reading this column, I invite you to think about your favorite perfume. What perfume did you apply this morning?
Focus on the sensations that this perfume produces in you when you apply it and also, on what you feel when other people around you perceive it and give you good comments. Wearing a perfume is rewarding for many reasons. In my opinion, I feel that perfume, as well as some cosmetic products, are basic for human beings and we like to use them because they give us moments of gratification.
What do we feel when buying our favorite perfume?
Science says that our behavior is driven by a series of feelings and emotions, some of which are only partially accessible to our
Most of our purchasing decisions and behavior as consumers are guided by emotions. The shopping experience is based on the search for positive emotions.

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