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Lab-on-Skin™​ Technology: At the Crossoads of Advanced Nanotech and Biochemistry via Xsensio - Skinobs

Lab-on-Skin™​ Technology: At the Crossoads of Advanced Nanotech and Biochemistry via Xsensio

Xsensio considerably expands the potential of wearable products with the development of a breakthrough wearable device that tracks – not physical data like today’s devices – but biochemical data in the interstitial fluid (ISF). At the core of Xsensio’s wearable innovation lies our proprietary 5x5mm Lab-on-SkinTM sensing chip that leverages cutting-edge nanotechnology, biochemistry and microfluidics to continuously collect ISF at the surface of the skin, and continuously analyze its biochemical composition to detect changes in real time that reflect physiological state.

High miniaturization will allow us to include multiple sensors on the chip, each functionalized to target a specific biomarker of interest from hormones to proteins, for a rich multiparametric analysis. High miniaturization will allow us to reach high sensitivity and require very low biofluids volume. Thanks to the high modularity and customization of the chip, we will leverage the same underlying technology to target a wide range of health applications. Data will be wirelessly available to the user, patient or caregiver in real time through a secured data infrastructure.

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