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The Age of Fluidity: Five Beauty Predictions for 2022 and Beyond via Premium Beauty News - Skinobs

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The Age of Fluidity: Five Beauty Predictions for 2022 and Beyond via Premium Beauty News

21 February 2022

Despite the rolling uncertainty of living in a with-Covid world, McKinsey predicts that beauty sales in 2022 will overtake the pre-pandemic levels of 2019. “Beauty brands must adapt to the new normal, in order to benefit from the announced resilience of the beauty market,” explains Leila Rochet, Chief Inspiration Officer of Cosmetics Inspiration and Creation. Consumer sentiment is optimistic, and the urge to create moments of escapism and entertainment in the midst of all the unpredictability – is very real. In the future, consumers will learn the value of approaching life with a fluid mindset. If 2020-21 forced consumers to become rapidly adaptable, then 2022 and beyond will see them apply this flexible approach to deal with the dynamic motion of living in an uncertain world. Taking this newfound adaptability into consideration, Cosmetics Inspiration and Creation proposes a snapshot of the five key trends that will impact the industry in 2022 and beyond.

By Leila Rochet -8 February 2022