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– Intercos Group

The current mission is to aim for better angles.

Is it just me or have you also noticed that we’ve been seeing a lot of space related movies lately? Think Gravity, Interstellar and The Martian just to name of few. Well, it looks like the skincare market has been tapping into this too and are creating products that eradicate the “GRAVITY” effect on our skin, with claims inspired by outer space.

In the past decade, there has been remarkable breakthroughs in fighting wrinkles, pigmentation and fine lines, but youthfulness is not only in the texture of the skin, it is also a question of shape – and gravity. And brands have been emphasing this for a few years now, but this year the focus seems to be shifting even more clearly. Yet as of late, organic, K-beauty, oils, masks, you name it, have been stealing the spotlight of the major anti-ageing category. So yeah, sure, the big anti-ageing category is less funky and exciting than say, the latest splash mask hailing from Korea, but brands have made such scientific progress , it would be a shame to miss out!

Anti-gravity will likely be marketed as the key to anti-ageing.

Anti- sagging, re-plumping, gravity-defying, 3D dimension lifts and reshaping have become the new anti-ageing “IT” claims that brands are communicating . And they should be as a survey from Nielsen, dated March 2015, found that consumers are ready to pay more money for claims related to skin firming, ranking in the top 5 of “willing to pay more money for”. 

Although these claims are no breakthrough news on the market, brands have recently been tapping into this category with a new approach and cutting-edge technology to back it up. For instance, Dior’s recent launch MultiPerfection Creme UniversalTexture comes with research focusing mainly on gravity. Indeed, Dior states that the gravitational pull can cause our skin to drop by as much as four millimeters in 20 years. Olay also  identified the gene code of a unique subset of women that seemed to be ageing better than others.

The anti-ageing category is thus broadening to a more 360° answer. We are not merely tackling fine lines and skin texture anymore, we are preventing the skin from succumbing to the effects of gravity and encouraging skin elasticity to stay strong. And consumers are responding to these claims and undertsanding the concerns.

Gravity-defying skincare

Indeed, whatever the age, a defined jawline or cheekbone is a beauty feature that many seek, and one that becomes unfortunately more difficult to obtain when gravity begins to kick-in with time. With age, fluids held around the jaw and a gradual loss of tissue elasticity, force your face’s shape to lose definition. New ingredients are now available to refill in a non-surgical manner, so that skin looks more plump and volumineous. Antioxidants and peptide extracts blend together to boost blood circulations, encouraging collagen production and helping lift, plump and define contours for a firmer appearance. Hyaluronic acid is another vital ingredient used for immediate and long-term effects, as it increases skin elasticity and firmness, whilst gently exfoliating dead skincells. Other ingredients work as lymphatic drainers to change the shape of the cheekbones and add definition. Whatever the receipe, these gravity defying creams are the next big thing to get V structures when things start going a bit pear-shaped. —


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