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The Rise Of At-Home Lab Tests by The Medical Futurist - Skinobs

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The Rise Of At-Home Lab Tests by The Medical Futurist

2 November 2021

If I had to name which futuristic healthcare innovations are the easiest to put into practice now that can really make a difference in people’s lives today, I’d say one of those is definitely at-home testing. To have access to a wide range of analyses determining our lab markers and blood results without the wait at the doctor’s, at the lab, and without even meeting anyone… Sounds great. Not to mention that it’s already in the existing testing kits. We just need to use all these in a more systematic way.

Pregnancy tests or finger-prick diabetes tests, for example, were game changers. They are easy to use and about 100 percent accurate. A handful of other tests that can do the same, delivering results with efficiency and ease. But there’s a vast difference between knowing if you’re pregnant or not and analysing your own genetic test results.

At-home science

Over the past few years I’ve tried and used many tests that used to be only available in laboratories: Microbiome test helped refine my diet. My whole genome sequencing analysis and a BRCA-focused genetic test encouraged me to design a preventive plan with my primary care physician. She also took notes when I provided her with my medication sensitivity genetic test (MyDNA) results.

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By The Medical Futurist – 18 June 2020