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Sleep, Stress and Anxiety at the Heart of the Concerns of the Study Subjects by Syres - Skinobs
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Sleep, Stress and Anxiety at the Heart of the Concerns of the Study Subjects by Syres

Syres conducted extensive testing in 2022 with its consumers.

Sleep, stress, and anxiety were particularly prevalent topics in the comments of over 5,500 panelists.

Sleep Disorders:

19% of the population surveyed told us they have no sleep problems, only 17% of women said they had no problems compared to 30% of men. The population over 65 years old has fewer problems, contrary to the 30–45-year-olds who are particularly affected (84% of them).

53% of men and women with sleep problems say that they have existed for more than two years. Among men, 50% report waking up at night, 38% report poor sleep quality and 47% have trouble sleeping because of stress and anxiety. For women, 63% declare to have night wakings and 57% point to stress and anxiety, 44% note a poor quality of sleep. 54% of people suffering from these disorders take at least one product to fight against these sleep problems (herbal tea, food supplements, melatonin, sleeping pills, etc.). The population indicating to use a product mentions herbal tea in majority, 36% of the persons concerned (38% of women and 23% of men). 14% of the consumers take melatonin-based products, 10% take food supplements and an equivalent percentage take sleeping pills or another treatment bought in pharmacies. It can be noted that among the treatments taken by people who have had sleep problems for more than 2 years, sleeping pills and other pharmacy treatments are the most cited. Herbal tea is particularly used by the youngest, while melatonin and food supplements are more used by the forty-year-olds. As for the elders, they tend to use a drugstore treatment.


Stress and anxiety:

63% of the population surveyed is subject to stress. More women than men cite stress (65% versus 49%). Young people are particularly affected: 74% of 18–39-year-olds say they are subject to stress. 49% of the total population is subject to anxiety (51% among women versus 37% among men).  This percentage rises to 53% among 25-29- and 35–44-year-olds. 35% of those surveyed are subject to both stress and anxiety.



86% of the population reports having a good lifestyle. The under 25 and over 60 age groups declare having a good lifestyle at more than 90%, while the forty-somethings are less optimistic on this subject. Men are slightly more likely to report a healthy lifestyle, 88.4% versus 86.1% for women. Sportsmen and women (all sexes) are more likely to consider that they have a good lifestyle (93% compared to 86% for the general population). People who feel they have a poor lifestyle are more likely to have sleep disorders. Not surprisingly, 59% of men reporting poor lifestyle habits complain of poor sleep quality as well as stress and anxiety. For women, these figures rise to 62% for poor sleep quality and 71% for stress and anxiety. The positive influence of sport and a healthy lifestyle on sleep disorders is therefore confirmed. This influence increases with age, particularly among women.


In conclusion:

86% of the population think they have a healthy lifestyle. However, 81% of consumers surveyed throughout France report sleep problems, 63% stress and 49% anxiety. The age groups most affected remain the 30–45-year-olds for sleep problems. For stress and anxiety, young people are the most concerned.




Severine Freyssinet – Director of Analysis – SYRES

TEL: +65 9677 6179

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