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Two Free Webinars to Accelerate your Search on the Preclinical & Clinical Testing Platforms by Skinobs - Skinobs

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Two Free Webinars to Accelerate your Search on the Preclinical & Clinical Testing Platforms by Skinobs

19 March 2021

Optimize your searches!

Your webinars to discover all tricks

Faster than ever, you can find, from the products claims produced (but not only…), all preclinical and clinical methods, as well as the most relevant testing providers around the world.

The Preclinical and Clinical Testing platforms are great collaborative tools that deserve to be exploited to 100% of their potential by all the teams involved in evaluation projects. Multiple research opportunities are available both classical and advanced, to enrich and speed up your consultations.


1. All tricks in 30 min

To save you time in your evaluation projects, select the webinar that will allow you to discover in detail, all the necessary and indispensable features.

Preclinical tests

  • Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 12:00 pm: Presentation in French
  • Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 4:00 pm: Presentation in English

Clinical tests

  • Wednesday, June 9 at 12:00 pm: Presentation in French
  • Wednesday, June 9 at 4:00 pm: Presentation in English

To register, simply email Ophelie to:


2. Your questions, our answers

Skinobs’ passionate, and dynamic team would ne pleased to answer your most specific questions. Skinobs, because of its central role,  is at the heart of the exchanges on active and cosmetic testing; and it is with great pleasure that we will bring you sound suggestions and advice.

We’ll be happy to answer your specific questions during these webinars. Just send us your questions via this form:  Link to the questionnaire


3. A true gold mine!

The platform consultation gives you a panoramic view of all the test possibilities and partners around the world. Skinobs collects and transmits current visions of what drives the world of clinical or preclinical testing. Platforms are continuously updated based on industry trends and technological innovations.

Don’t hesitate to pass on the information of these webinars to your staff, and take full advantage of these great tools!

Thank you for your trust.
Best regards

Anne Charpentier
& Skinobs Team
+33 06 30 08 90 98