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In the peculiar case of Biochemikon, we use our 25-years expertise in oxidative stress, OXPHOS and cell metabolism. Performing research in the field of cellular metabolism, we have soon discovered that a tiny variation in one of its important pathways may lead to important modifications in whole cell behavior by breaking the slight equilibrium between all that metabolic routes. An important consequence we noticed is that most of cell dysfunctions rely on very small variations of one or several primary or secondary metabolisms but not on larger ones. Unfortunately, at the end of the nineties, measurement techniques were roughly quantifying variations, far lacking precision. Moreover, because of the need to use different techniques to measure different markers, it was not possible to measure all parameters in parallel but successively, hereby generating an unavoidable degradation of the starting material. Thus, for all that reasons, it sounds to us strongly mandatory to develop new very precise multi-parametric means to be able to assess small metabolic variations in the shortest turnaround time.

Diverting the classical equipment daily used in routine clinical biology laboratories, we achieve our’s end by developing new accurate and robust methods that allow us to measure in parallel with the highest precision a large number of parameters, in a few minutes without any degradation of the starting material. As it is also possible to measure protein (or hemoglobin or DNA…) content in the same sample, we can not only quantify but also compare the different results between us. Therefore, it becomes possible to us to unambiguously define enzyme activities ratios, substrates ratios… that allow a true comparison of cell metabolism pathways function at a precise moment. Such equipment is very expensive, unaffordable for most of our colleagues and necessitate a long training and expertise to be correctly used.

To give as many researchers as possible the opportunity to get such result quality, and to gain a deep insight into cell metabolism, we planned to launch a new company that will offer access to such a platform. We are now pleased to offer our services and expertise to the R&D community.


Biochemikon has developed a fee-for-service based platform for metabolic investigations of product’s effects on either in vitro or in vivo models. We perform automated measurements to quantify key metabolic parameters such as oxidative stress, electron-transport chain disorders, cell energetic status, inflammation, cell death, as well as more specific metabolisms such as Glycolysis, TCA cycle, Glutathione & Ketone pathway parameters (fatty acid oxidation is already in our pipeline) providing a global metabolic approach.

As highlighted in HTStec survey, we are yet likely to propose the most relevant list of assays requested by the majority of customers, using a high throughput, muti-parametric, non-radioactive, quantitative readouts technology. Indeed, unlike systems based on microplate measurements, our platform uses high-throughput machines that are daily used in clinical biology laboratories. Extremely robust and accurate, these automated systems allow us to work with reduced sample volumes as low as 5 microliters, and generally does not require cell organelles extraction. Moreover, they deliver results with a much greater level of precision.

Our comprehensive and evolving list of assays offers valuable complementary information to commonly used standard tests.

Our technical advantages

As compared to standard equipment, our innovative technology displays unique features:

Fully automated testing that meets the standards of clinical biology
– High throughput instruments: one test is pipetted every 6s avoiding sample degradation (a complete 20 tests panel is pipetted in less than two minutes)

Reduced sample volume (5 µl) associated with a multi-parametric assay testing on single sample (up to 50 assays per sample)

Minimal sample needs allowing us to perform full panel of 20 tests on as low as a Falcon T75 starting material

Minimal sample preparation as no mitochondrial extraction is required to measure OXPHOS tests panel

Unmatched precision: CV< 4-5% for all tests delivers reliable and precise actionable information


Thierry Delvienne
Sr. Director Business Development
Biochemikon SAS
17 Rue Olof Palme
+33 675 88 10 59

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